We want to know:
-how sharp hornet stingers are
-the first bee and wasp and hornet ever
-what their bones are
-why do they die when they sting you
-watch a video of one
We learned:
-they have sharp poison on their stinger
-they eat spiders and bugs
-they don't die after they sting you
-if you are allergic to them, you can die if they sting you
-they have head, thorax, and abdomens just like wasps and bees
-they suck up nectar on flowers, they take the nectar to the beehive so they can make honey, when they're on the flower they get pollen on their feet, when they are flying to take the nectar back to the hive, the pollen falls on the plants which helps the plants grow.
Bees make honey
suck up nectar, get their tummies full with 100-1500 flower's nectar, back to the beehive, spread the nectar on the honey comb, it dries out and become syrupy, it is ready to be used
How bees make hives
the scout bees go out and find a new place often miles away, after they find it the return to the hive, the bees fill their stomachs with honey and fly to the new place, they barf up the honey and use it to build the hive
Bee Project
With paper we cut out flowers, nectar circles, pollen circles, honey circles, 2 beehives, a queen bee, a drone, honeycomb, eggs and a blue sky (by Ezra's request). We taped the nectar and pollen to the flowers.
We set it all up. The queen placed the eggs in the honeycomb. The drones helped. Livi and Ezra became the worker bees and flew out under the blue sky to collect nectar. They put circles with n's on the shirts, and circles with p's on their feet. They flew around and the p circles fell off onto the flowers and ground. The n circles they brought back to the hive and put it on the honeycomb turning it into honey circles. The beekeeper scraped off the honey. When the beehive started wearing out the kids became scout bees and flew to find a new place. They returned to the hive, ate honey, and all flew to the new hive. They chewed on the honey to build a new hive.