Wednesday, August 11, 2010


What we want to know:
-how they eat the meat and not the skin
-if they eat every kind of animal
-if they eat dead animals
-lion hunt

What we learned:
-they sleep for a really long time (19-21 hours)
-they eat quickly and a lot, then don't eat for a long time
-females do most of the hunting
-males eat first, then the females, then the cubs
-to attack they run, then they sneak, they freeze if they are spotted,they run then jump on their prey
-lion's sliced the meat from the skin with their sharp canine teeth, they dig it out

What we did:
-We made a playdough pride. Livi made three females. Ezra made 1 male. I made 8 cubs. Noah made the lion food. At night the females went out to hunt. The snuck up on their prey like lions do, then attacked. They brought the food to the male to eat first. Then the females ate, then the cubs. When the male cubs turned 2-4 years they left the pride to join a new one.
-We wrote the word lions and scrambled it to make new words. We came up with seven: on, no, son, sin, is, Sam, so. I hope we're not missing anything.
-We told the story of the mouse and lion. The kids acted it out with Ezra the lion, Livi the mouse, and Noah the hunter. We talked about the message of the story that big or small we can all help each other.
-We told the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den and talked about how Heavenly Father calmed the lions to protect Daniel.

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