Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dump Tour

My kids are in love with the garbage man. Last week he was here to pick up our garbage and I brought out the wrong can. I asked him if he could wait while I got the other one. He said yes and dumped it for us. The kids had been watching out the window and came running outside. They said, "Was that so cool to talk to the garbage man?" I said, "Yea!" He's basically a celebrity around here, so a trip to the dump was a great place to go.

tour vests on

grass clippings and wood

writing assignment
I had the kids draw pictures and explain to me where garbage goes. They drew our garbage can, the garbage truck, the dump, the semi, and the landfill

We learned
-each garbage truck has to come and dump the garbage four times a day.
-four semis carry the garbage out to the landfill every day
-the trucks are weighed before entering the dump, this is how they determine how much to charge residents
-we are not required to recycle, but should
-paint cans, computers, tires, metal, and car oil and encouraged to bring and recycle ourselves
-grass clippings and wood are broken down and shipped off to be made into compost

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